Some of the different ways that Google displays
seller ratings
Example of a Google seller rating and review
Example of a Google Ads listing with review stars
Google Seller Ratings page
Google Shopping result showing both product reviews
and seller ratings
Google search results showing multiple vendors who
sell the same product, and the Top Quality Store badge
Product description page in google search
Bing Merchant Rating example
Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business)
Dedicated review page showing in organic search results
Shopper Approved review certificate
Positive verified review certificate page in organic search results
Negative open review certificate page in organic search results
A list of a website’s reputation search results without Review Destinations
Over 66% of people look at multiple review sites when shopping
Over 69% of people trust in the review site with good ratings
If a company has bad ratings on multiple sites, nearly 65% believe the bad ratings
Over 64% of people average a company’s reviews across multiple review sites
A list of a website’s reputation search results with
Review Destinations
Screenshot of one of our client’s reviews on Trustpilot – taken March 2023
Screenshot of Trustpilot’s stats page – taken November
2023 (star rating notations added)
Screenshot of the same client’s reviews on Trustpilot – taken November 2023
The disparity between open and verified review platforms can lead to a bad reputation
A managed reputation can turn open review platforms
into powerful assets
The Shopper Approved Trust Bar
73% of people are more likely to purchase from a website with the Trust Bar
87% of people trust a site more when their overall star
rating is displayed at the top of the homepage
The Trust Bar increased their conversion rate by over 41%
Seller rating review widget
Review widget on a shopping cart page
Seller rating seal in the footer navigation