
Become a Reputation King

Learn how to compound your growth by becoming one of the most trusted brands in your industry

Reputation King Book and Strategy Guide Booklet

A must-read for any website executive looking to gain a serious advantage.

Dr.Robert Cialdini & Bas Wouters - The Cialdini Institute

Dr. Robert Cialdini and Bas Wouters 
– The Cialdini Institute

Why should you read Reputation King?

Reputation King is the first book of its kind to show you how reputation management really works for ecommerce brands, with 35 proven traffic and conversion strategies to compound your growth.

Who is Reputation King for?

Reputation King was written specifically for ecommerce CEOs, Executives, Managers, and Marketers who want to significantly improve their reputation and visibility online.

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Proven strategies to
 improve virtually every KPI
  in your ecommerce business

Reputation King pulls back the curtain to show you how to take
your reputation to the next level, resulting in:

  • More search listings
  • Higher search rankings
  • More traffic
  • More trust and authority
  • Higher click-through rates
  • Lower bounce rates
  • Lower cart abandonment
  • Higher conversion rates
  • Higher average order value
  • Lower support costs
  • Lower product returns
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Increased employee morale
  • Lower cost per conversion
  • Higher Sales
  • More repeat purchases
  • Higher net profit margin
  • And more!

Highly recommended  by
 leading experts

Over 35 of the World’s Top SEO, CRO, Marketing, and
Reputation Experts recommend Reputation King


A sneak peek of what you’ll discover:

We reveal the shocking disparity between positive and negative reviews on open review platforms, and how to combat it.
Turn negative into positive reviews

Increase organic growth and page 1 keywords
Learn how a breakthrough AI-powered Q&A strategy can generate exponential organic traffic. 

See what happened to conversion rates when we tested this one widget on our client’s home page
Trust Bar results in conversion rates

Strategy Guide Booklet - Review Flow page
See what a expert review strategy looks like, and learn how it can significantly increase your online visibility and traffic…
Discover all the possible ways to leverage seller ratings, product reviews, and video reviews to optimize your search traffic and website conversions
Strategy Guide Booklet - Seller Ratings Page

And much much more!